General contractors, developers, and architects are selected to partner on rehabilitation and development programs through competitive Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) processes. Please download and review the appropriate document below that details the requirements and qualifications necessary.

Check this page periodically or join our email list to stay informed of announcements and specifications regarding Request for Qualifications, Offers, and Proposals.

General Contractors

HomeFix Program
Contractor Request For Qualifications 

This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is being issued by Restored Homes Housing Development Fund Corporation (“Restored Homes”) to identify experienced Contractors interested in participating in a home repair program that seeks to provide affordable, low interest and forgivable home repair loans to owner-occupants of 1- to 4- family homes in New York City. This RFQ is being issued on behalf of the HomeFix Program, a consortium of non-profits led by the Center for New York City Neighborhoods (“the Center”), the entity that will serve as the HomeFix Program (“Program”) Administrator in partnership with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (“HPD”) and Enterprise Community Partners (“Enterprise”).

Qualified Contractors will be selected from among the list of Applicants who qualify through this RFQ. It is important to note that not all Applicants deemed qualified may be selected to participate in the Program.

Questions and inquiries can be addressed to the e-mail address indicated on the cover of attached RFQ.

ISSUE DATE: Original: November 12, 2019; Revised: August 9, 2022.

SUBMISSION DUE DATE: Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

HomeFix Contractor Request for Qualifications

For more information please contact:


Basement Apartment Conversion Pilot Program
General Contractor Request For Qualifications 

This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is being issued by Restored Homes Housing Development Corporation (“Restored Homes”) seeking the services of qualified General Contractors to participate in a pilot program that seeks to renovate and legalize illegal basement/cellar apartments in 1 to 3 family homes in East New York, Brooklyn, Community Board 5. This program will be overseen by a consortium of non-profits called the East New York Base Collaborative, of which Restored Homes is a member.

Qualified applicants will be selected from among the list of respondents who qualify through this RFQ. Selection under this RFQ indicates only that Restored Homes has determined that such applicants met the requirements set forth in this RFQ. It is important to note that not all applicants deemed qualified may be selected to participate in the program.

Questions and inquiries can be addressed to the e-mail address indicated on the cover of attached RFQ.

ISSUE DATE: March 22, 2019


BACPP General Contractor RFQ with Local Law Intro 1004-A

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Small Homes Rehab – NYCHA Program
General Contractor Request For Qualifications 

This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is being issued by Restored Homes Housing Development Fund Corporation (“Restored Homes”) and its subsidiary, Restoring Urban Neighborhoods LLC (“RUN, LLC”) to determine the eligibility of experienced General Contractors to participate in the rehabilitation of vacant 1- to 3- family homes that Restored Homes will purchase from the New York City Housing Authority (“NYCHA”) and New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (“HPD”). Upon the NYCHA and HPD transfer of ownership of these homes to Restored Homes, qualified General Contractors will be selected from among the list of Applicants who qualify through this RFQ.

This RFQ has been issued to determine the eligibility of responding organizations (“Applicants”) to serve as General Contractors in the development of the homes within the required specified timetable. After purchasing the properties, Restored Homes will be responsible to undertake all predevelopment activities, oversee rehabilitation and sell the properties directly to low-to-moderate income families within a very strict timeframe. For assistance with the development and construction processes, Restored Homes will contract with selected General Contractors. These General Contractors will be directly responsible for planning and executing the rehabilitation plans in collaboration with a green building consultant and Restored Homes. The General Contractors’ workload is dependent upon the scopes of work for each building.

Selection of Applicants under this RFQ means only that Restored Homes has determined that such Applicants meet the requirements set forth in this RFQ to participate in Small Homes Rehab – NYCHA Program and that Restored Homes may elect to execute a contract with such Applicants regarding the Development of homes. A pre-qualified list of General Contractors will be compiled from which Restored Homes will select to work on the rehabilitation of these vacant homes. It is important to note that not all Applicants deemed qualified will be selected to participate in the Program.

ISSUE DATE: April 10, 2017

RFQ RESPONSE DUE DATE: Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

NYCHA General Contractor RFQ with Forms

For more information please contact:

Design Professionals

Restored Homes HDFC
Design Professionals Request For Qualifications 

Restored Homes Housing Development Fund Corporation (“Restored Homes”) is issuing this RFQ to identify eligible architects for a pre-qualified list for upcoming 1-to-4 family residential projects within NYC. Not all qualified professionals will be selected.

Architects selected through this RFQ will be responsible for preparing scopes of work, narrative of existing conditions, and architectural drawings that will be submitted to New York City Department of Buildings (“DOB”) for review and approval. Architects will also oversee the execution of the renovation plans through completion and sign off.  The Architects’ workloads are dependent upon the scopes of work for each home.

Restored Homes is a non-profit organization which specializes in the rehabilitation of vacant and foreclosed 1- to 4- family homes in neighborhoods in need of stabilization throughout New York City. Since 2005, Restored Homes has administered a number of homeownership programs in collaboration with New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (“HPD”), the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”), the New York State Housing and Community Renewal (“HCR”) and the New York City Housing Authority (“NYCHA”). Below are brief descriptions of three current programs.

As a program administrator, Restored Homes is responsible for construction-related predevelopment activities, the coordination and oversight of all scoping, any required plan reviews and DOB filing, and will monitor the repair work on the homes included these Programs. Given its extensive experience with the rehabilitation of 1- to 4- family homes, Restored Homes has also provided technical assistance and construction management and monitoring services to other organizations.

ISSUE DATE: January 21, 2025

RFQ RESPONSE DUE DATE: Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Restored Homes Architect RFQ

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Neighborhood Pillars
Request for Qualifications

The Neighborhood Pillars Program is an initiative spearheaded by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) that assists responsible organizations with the acquisition and preservation of affordable housing in privately owned multi-family properties throughout New York City. As part of this effort, Restored Homes is working directly with selected nonprofit housing organizations to identify and purchase properties to ensure their continued affordability for individuals and families in New York City.

ISSUE DATE: 4/3/2018

SUBMISSION DUE DATE: Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Neighborhood Pillars RFQ

For more information please contact:


Plus One Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program

An Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a small, independent residential dwelling unit located on the same lot as your home. The unit could be located within the existing home or could be a fully independent and detached structure. ADUs come in a variety of types, including basement apartments, attic conversions or in-law suites. ADUs can serve a number of different purposes providing housing to family members or serving as an added source of income for household expenses by renting an additional unit.

How Does the Program Work:

The Plus One ADU Program  will combine low or no-interest capital loans and construction financing grants provided by the New York State Homes and Community Renewal for up to 15 eligible homeowners to build or convert ADUs on their property.

In partnership with Restored Homes HDFC, the program will provide homeowners with financial and technical support, including predevelopment and construction resources on a single-family property where the existing zoning allows for one additional unit. ADUs financed through the program will become safe, habitable, and potentially rent-restricted units that will help homeowners generate additional income and support long-term homeowner and neighborhood stability.

Eligible Homeowners:

  • May earn up to 165% AMI or $186,450 for a two-person household. Preference will be given to homeowners who are at or below 100% or $113,000 for a two-person household.
  • Must be owner-occupant
  • Must be current on any existing mortgages and not have outstanding municipal arrears or have an active payment plan

Eligible Buildings:

  • One-unit, single-family detached residential homes
  • Homes that allow for two-family construction under the existing building and zoning code
  • Homes must pass a housing quality inspection and not require any major repairs other than those that are essential to the ADU construction scope
  • Eligible homes must either be free of housing or building code violations prior to receiving program financing, unless the violations are directly related to ADU, or the owner must agree to address all existing violations prior to ADU construction completion.
  • Homes must be located outside of the Special Coastal Risk District according to FEMA’s Flood Zone Designation.
  • For basement conversions, the applicable ADU space must meet ceiling height requirements prior to conversion and must be located outside of the 2050 Stormwater Flood area as well as the 2100’s 100-year coastal flood zone.


The following ADU typologies may be eligible to participate in the program:

  • Attached accessory structures (ex. Attached garages), detached existing structures or newly constructed structures
  • Basement or attic unit conversions


How To Apply:

  • The program launched on November 21, 2023 and interested homeowners had until February 13, 2024 to complete the Plus One ADU participant survey to be considered for participation in the pilot program. While the current application period has closed, please sign up below to receive updates related to ADU initiatives throughout the City, including City of Yes for Housing Opportunity, NYC’s plan to modernize and update our city’s zoning regulations.

More information about the Program is also available on HPD’s website, linked below.


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